Tuesday 19 August 2008

58 days Later ..

Yes I did just count.
For the purpose of this post, imagine me looking slightly guilty and embarrassed. I haven't written on here for two months - eek!

I have actually been working this week on a painting about why I haven't been blogging (!) -above- if you believe that. Its part of my master plan to take procrastination to a whole new level.
Its mainly arty reasons which have kept me very busy. I've been to London a couple of times to visit the galleries again. (I really like London, so much so I've decided to live there! But that's another story...)
So its going to take me a couple of posts to get up to date here and a while to catch up at Inspire Me Thursday.
Missed you all
L x

1 comment:

carra said...

So nice to see you online again - welcome back! :)